Module 2: Communication that works


Do you find things escalate when you’re trying to talk with your teen?  You’re trying to help them but feeling like you’re not getting through to them?  Talking with teens is a fine art of knowing what to say and how to say it.  I know you want to keep your teen onside so communication without them feeling like they’re being alienated is essential.

In this module I’ll help you communicate in a way that isn’t exhausting for you and will help to keep your teen on board.  You’ll learn simple strategies that you can easily add to your parenting tool kit that will help you be the parent your child needs.



Sick of arguments, shouting and that feeling of talking to a wall?  This module shares the essential communication tips you need for calm communication and a cooperative household. 

This module covers:

  • Speaking so your teens will listen – learn techniques to express yourself without triggering defensiveness in your teen
  • Listening without judgment – building trust by communicating in a way that your teen can hear
  • How to de-escalate arguments – step-by-step methods to stay calm and resolve conflicts peacefully


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