Module 4: Healthy Technology Habits


Making screens and technology work in your family will evolve as your child grows up.  Be on top of what they need from you to make the online world safe for them with the expert information in this module.  The importance of you knowing how to help your child cannot be underestimated and I’ll show you what you need to be doing and watching out for to keep your teen’s screen time safe and tension free in the family.



Technology has made parenting more complex than ever before. Let me guide you through what you need to know and how to manage screens in your teen’s life to keep them safe without the drama.  Screens isn’t only impacting children’s behaviours, it’s also impacting their brain development, attention span, concentration, mental health and ability to participate in school and socially. There’s lots for parents to know about and manage with screens and technology use.

Making technology work in your family is all about communication, knowing how to approach sensitive topics and parents managing boundaries around screen time, content and access. This module will help you with:

  • Approaching sensitive topics (including porn, relationships and sex) to guide teens towards healthy relationships and self-respect.
  • What screen time is appropriate, how much, when and how long?
  • Creating boundaries that work and what to do when your child pushes back



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